Data entry is the most time consuming part of making ID cards for an organization. IDCreator now gives you the ability to take that time back by completely automating the workflow of making ID cards with a Zapier integration.
Zapier is the global leader in automation and is connected with 5,000+ apps and softwares. With a Zapier account, you can create a connection between IDCreator and the software you would normally pull ID contents from, and command Zapier (create a "Zap") to automatically send the relevant ID details to your IDCreator account.
You don't need to change your process to make ID Cards for your organization, automate it!
What You'll Need to Automate
1. IDCreator Account API Key
Within the "My Members" section in your IDCreator account click the "API" button seen at the left side on a computer or the top of your screen on a phone or tablet. Click the green button to "Generate Key for Zapier".
You will be asked for this key in Zapier to link your IDCreator account. You can copy it now or return to this page to access it at any time.
2. Zapier Account
A free account is available with no payment information required. You’ll need to create an account with Zapier to automate adding members.
Sign Up for an account on Zapier if you do not already have one. Their "free forever" plan can be used to create up to 100 members per month with single step actions. Full features of each plan are listed on their pricing page. If needed, you can upgrade your account at any time.
You can find our app Here or by searching "IDCreator" in the action step of a zap.
How to Setup your Zap to Add Members Automatically
1. Create a Zap
After creating an account on Zapier you should see an orange button at the top left "Create Zap". Click this to create your first Zap!
2. Setup your Trigger
The "Trigger" is the source your data will come from. For example this may be Google Sheets or Google Forms which information is added to, and will be used to create your member. It will be easiest to create your data source first, such as creating the Spreadsheet or Form with the fields you'll want to add for each member.
Click Trigger and choose the event which will start your app. Follow the on screen instructions to setup your trigger. At the end you will test this and choose an entry to setup your action.
3. Setup your Action
Search for "IDCreator" and choose it as your action. Select "Add a Member" for the event and continue
At the account step you will see the option to "Sign In" and connect your IDCreator account. This opens a popup where you will enter your API key from the My Members section on IDCreator. Submitting this should show a successful connection with the email you use to sign in on IDCreator
Click the textbox for each member field and choose the data which should be used. Information will be shown from your test record so you can pick the column or answer, if your source is a spreadsheet or form, which should be used for that member field.
As on IDCreator, only the first name is required. Only the commonly used member fields are shown by default although you can toggle the first option to show all fields if desired.
At the end, click "Test Step" to create a member on IDCreator with the information used here. If the member was created successfully, you're ready to finish and turn the Zap on! You will be shown if any errors need to be corrected, then you can retry the test.
Please check the member on IDCreator to verify the member was created as you expect. Once the Zap is turned on, members will be added automatically as information is added to your trigger.
New Workflow with Zapier Automation
Once you've created your Zapier account, Zap, and Smart Template, this is how you'll be making ID cards for your organization:
1. Add New Member of your Organization to your Software or Apps, like you always have.
2. (Automated) Zapier will pull ID Contents from that app and create member profiles in IDCreator.
3. Select your Smart Template and then select the members who need an ID Card in the Badge Maker.
4. (Automated) The Badge Maker will automatically make an ID Card for each member you select by adding their contents to your template.
5. Review and Order the ID Cards. No Data Entry Required.